saturday morning began with a little sunrise yoga. beautiful. and freezing. it may be in the 70s and 80s during the day, but at 6am it's in the 40s. and i wasn't wearing socks. bbbrrrrrrrrrr....
my favorite part: acro yoga. it's like if extreme yoga and gymnastics had a baby. perfect.
here we go. cartwheel on!
ps. the guy in the background is in his 50s
look mom! no hands!
the slacklining part was ridiculously hard. It's a 1" wide piece of nylon suspended between 2 anchors (usually trees). i got to kneeling and standing. one time i was able to take 3 steps...
whoa whoa whoa.... and down. this was a 30 second series..
although the pros still fall too. splat!