
3 days is not enough...

i was sooooo looking forward to august 16th. just push through a few busy months....

colorado camping trip; start new job; san francisco trip; los gatos trip; run a half marathon; vancouver trip; turn 30; jenna & lauren visit; chicago trip; san francisco trip; landmark in sacramento; epic wanderlust festival; 3 year anniversary!; open the showroom; vancouver trip (again); run a half marathon; then ahhhh....i can relax a little and "get back to life" you know- things like watering the flowers, taking care of the dogs, cleaning the house, adventures with Colin, returning phone calls and touching base with the people i love most.... so, what's the date? oh. crap.

Colin just left for Minnesota and now his travel schedule is picking up.... it seems like these "busy few months" are kind of a pattern in life (ahem- diving season?) so, this IS life? you don't ever "get back to it"?

time for a shift. i love my life. i love my husband. i love the travel. i love my home. time to learn how to manage the "busy seasons" because sometimes we only have 3 days. they need to be really really good ones.

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